Appleseed Turner is a ....GIRL!!! The voting ended 15-12 in favor of a girl! So big applause to all of you!
Everyone kept asking Jonathan and I whether we wanted a boy or a girl. We had talked about the pros to having each. However, we unanimously agreed that we wanted a healthy baby! Well, boy did we ever get one! Lorelei is measuring a full week ahead! Haha! Her head and body is so cute and BIG! The last time we saw here she was only 10 1/2 week! She was so HUGE to us yesterday!
First, let me start with the events of yesterday, 6/17/2011. This will always be the day that we found out what Baby Turner #1 would be.
I didn't sleep that well the night before. I don't really think it was because I was thinking about the "big" ultrasound but rather the frequent bathroom breaks and heartburn. This child loves Mommy so much (sarcasm haha)!
When I woke up Friday morning, I was feeling the morning sickness as usual. So I took me medicine.
Side note: I had to fight for the dissolving pills rather than the regular ones to my Dr. and pharmicist on Thursday. I almost started crying at work because I only had two dissolving pills left and knew that I would not make it through the weekend without more pills. Jonathan stopped by CVS on his way to work to grab my pills and the pharmicist informed him that my pills had been denied. Oh no you didn't! I proceeded to call the Dr. She said that this happens sometimes when insurance doesn't cover them. First, I have gotten these pills for the last 3 months with insurance covering them and rely on them to have somewhat "normal" days. They are around $40 when insurance covers them and $80 when it does not. Keep in mind that even the dissolving pills do not work in time; therefore, I knew that if I had to wait on a pill to get into my bloodstream through my stomach then I would have some long days ahead of me. I informed her to tell the pharmicist to fill the dissolving pills whether or not insurance covered them. I would pay the difference. Jonathan then went to pick them up and lo and behold, insurance covered them. Do NOT mess with a sick pregnant woman. Especially one who is and attorney and works for an insurance company. Geez....
Off my vent, back to Friday. After I took my medicine, I showered and got ready. I was ready early so I tried to eat some more to make sure the baby wanted to cooperate. I also was trying to get hydrated because I am so thirsty each and every morning.
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19 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Right before we left to find out whether Appleseed was a boy or a girl! |
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Here is my hamdsome husband and my very tired appearance! |
Now we were off to North Florida Women's Center! On my way there, I forgot that I had to go to a different room and I had left that information at home. Yay for Dr. Chamberlain on speed dial! Room 502? Gotcha!
We checked in and waited on the ultrasound tech to come get us! Next thing I knew, I was in a room waiting to get this thing started.
She informed us that she was going to start with some measurements and then tell us the sex. The next thing I know, she is nonchalantly informing us that it is a girl! Jonathan and I make eye contact and then he shouts: "are you sure?!" Keep in mind that we had heard stories of people being told that they were having a girl and then a boy showed up at delivery. However, Lorelei very politely sat on the screen and the tech proved to Jonathan why she was a girl! Umm...nothing was there hahaha!
Isn't she so cute and precious?! Here is her profile shot!
Side note: I had to make a potty break because her big ole head was trapped between my uterus and bladder and she couldn't get it out! Bahahahahahahahahaha!!
After we received our DVD and pictures, we proceeded to my doctor to have her interpret the measurements. My blood pressure was 124/82 (a little high but I had no time to compose myself after the ultrasound).
Lorelei has a heartrate of 155 and we joked with Dr. Chamberlain that she had a big head. Dr. Chamberlain just read the measurements and said well she is measuring almost a full week ahead now. Jonathan and I both laughed. So, her new EDD is now November 1,2011 rather than November 6, 2011 due solely to her size!
More ultrasound pictures to come in the next post! Thanks for visiting! We are so excited to have little Lorelei!