Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Friday, December 9, 2011

The One with a Newborn: Miss Lorelei Lake Turner

Whew! Life with a newborn is hard to put into words.  There is so much love, happiness, frustration, and tears that come along with this age.  At least in our household.

Jonathan has been great--especially the first few weeks when I felt like I had been ran over by a steam roller.

From the top,  Lorelei never latched for more than one or two minutes from the minute she was born.  I had to immediately start pumping and bottle feeding her when my milk came in.  She was on formula until that time.

We finally figured out that she was tongue-tied and that allowed her to latch.  However, at this point in time, it was much easier to feed her strictly breastmilk through the bottle.  I know some people might think I am crazy, but after your baby loses over a pound when she is born (drastic) and was basically starving, I really enjoy knowing exactly how many ounces that she takes in!  It makes me feel better.  I am also happy that by strictly pumping that I can make enough milk to feed her adequately and save.  She take around 2-4 ounces at every feeding and I am able to store/freeze around 15-20 ounces a day! This is awesome! I already have close to 150 ounces frozen!  She should be able to feed for a while off of breastmilk even after I wean her eventually (I am not sure when I will do this--time will tell).  I pump about 10 - 12 ounces each time.  I am telling you--Jonathan calls me the Dairy Queen. 

Anyways, after the drama of her not eating and only taking the bottle (with only breastmilk remember), she started screaming after 1/2 ounce around 4 weeks of age.  This was SO EMOTIONALLY draining to me and thus my one and only crying episode (other than when they clipped her tongue).  However, the medicine finally started working along with a combination of her learning to digest and pass gas with more ease as she ages.  This is still a work in progress and I was so worried that she wouldn't eat enough to grow and develop properly.  I have moved past the fears and put it in God's hands.  My baby is healthy and happy; thus, so am I!

Jonathan and I consider ourselves very lucky! Lorelei only cries with her reflux/gas during feedings or when she is hungry.  There are a couple of times when she will cry because she is overtired and has been awake for 7-8 hours--this also makes mommy tired.  This is when she has to cry it out.  Some people are not fans of crying it out but when your baby is obviously tired, clean, full, and warm, you just have to let her cry.  She cried one night around week 1 or 2 for an hour.  It was hard.  We would talk to her and soothe her but not pick her up.  She has not cried going to bed since.  She might cry for a minute or so now, self soothes and is out.  THAT IS RIGHT! You heard correctly.  Our baby sleeps anywhere from 5 - 7 hours every night.  From around 11 p.m. - 12 a.m. to 5 or 6 a.m. She is amazing.  She also doesn't wake up crying.  She just starts grunting and we feed her.  She also goes right back to sleep and is a great sleeper for 2 to 3 hour increments until noon.  She is most active in the afternoon and early evening.  She is a very happy baby and coos and tries to talk, smile and laugh at us.

She hates tummy time but is getting better about head control.

Here is our 7 week old angel! Doing what she does best! I must also put in there that she is only 7 weeks old and wearing 6 month clothes.  She is too long for the 3 month clothes.  Her pediatritian, Dr. Grooms said that the computer said error for her height at her age because she was off the charts haha.  She was also in the 75% for weight last time.  We go back for her 2 month shots next week and I will update then if not before!

P.S. I also went back for my post-partum check-up today.  I have lost 30 of the 43 pounds I gained and was released to run.  Bye bye last 13 pounds!

The One with the Pictures from the Last 7 weeks!

Please enjoy the montage (only a VERY SMALL fraction) of photos taken over the past 7 weeks! This is our angel!
One Week!

Two Weeks!

Three Weeks!

5 weeks!

Blue Steel!

10 days!

4 weeks!

6 weeks!

7 weeks!


Forgive me for not posting in a while but I thought I had two more weeks until our precious baby girl made her arrival.  Boy did she have different thoughts!

I will try and update from my past post until present.

The last time I posted was October 1, 2011.  Lorelei would make her arrival on October 21, 2011.

The last weeks were hard on me.  Some of my morning sickness returned.  I made frequent bathroom breaks anywhere from every hour to every hour and a half but overall I still felt great.  I had no Braxton Hicks contractions or any prelabor signs.

On October 19, 2011, we went to my 37 1/2 week appointment.  Jonathan and I had convinced Dr. Chamberlain to do one last utlrasound just so we could be 100% sure she looked great and was head down.  She was and Dr. Chamberlain guessed her weight to be around 7 pounds but informed us there was no guarantee as her head was already at a -2 station and I was 80% effaced and 1 cm dilated.

I went to work the next day and even stayed late trying to get some things organized on my desk.  This was Thursday 10/20/2011.  I didn't feel "right" that day or that is the language that I told Jonathan.  I had asked him to please get off early so that we could walk while the sun was still up.  He agreed and came home and we went on a 30-45 minute walk just as we had been doing since 36 weeks (when my morning sickness had basically ended).  We were finished walking and I had no swelling.  I really only had one bad day of swelling and that was a few weeks prior.

I felt great after our walk and we ordered a pizza for dinner.  I showered and then decided to finish packing the hospital bag because we needed to put some things in it that couldn't wait until the last minute.

We finally went to sleep close to midnight and I awoke at 1:45 a.m. to make a bathroom trip as usual.  This might be when there is too much information for some of you--so just skip ahead to the pictures below.

Anyways, I was in the bathroom and heard a loud pop.  If you know me, you know that I overreacted and thought that the umbilical cord had broken and I freaked out! I jumped up and lost my mucus plug and then my water broke immediately.  Still being Lindsey, I went into the bedroom and told Jonathan to come make sure that my water had broken, etc.  He sort of stumbled out of bed and then realized what I was saying and turned high gear on and got dressed and started packing the car for the hospital!

I asked him to call the nurse because I wasn't sure if I was supposed to wait until contractions started to go to the hospital.  At this point, I was having no contractions.  The nurse informed us to come in as soon as possible so I changed clothes and we were off!

We did stop and get gas on the way because the car was on empty and again I was having just mild back pain at this point.  When we arrived at the hospital, I went on up to the 3rd floor while Jonathan parked the car.  By the time he got there, I was in triage making sure that my water had broken (ha-there was a puddle underneath me).  I promise no woman had as much water in her as I did.  At this point, my pain was around a 2 out of ten and it had been an hour since my water broke.  They put me in a room and told me to rest.  Within one hour, my contractions were bad and I was asking for an epidural.  It was around 5 a.m. once I finally got the epidural and she labored down around 9 or so.  I started pushing at 10 a.m. and she was here at 11:18 a.m.

She weighed 8 pounds and 10 ounces and was 20.5 inches long.  They had to test her for diabetes because she was so big to be 3 weeks early.  You may not think that is big but think about everyone that has an 8 pound baby usually has them on time or late.  So...she was huge.

She came out, looked around, made "big arms", and screamed.  Dr. Chamberlain and our Nurse Ginny said that her cord and placenta were perfect.  We donated her cord blood, and she received a nurse that said she saved a life!  I am an advocate for cord blood donation.  If you are not going to save it for your baby, please donate.  Our doctor and nurse were surprised that we were going to donate because not many people do.  I am so surprised by this since it can save a life or more than one.  This was my vent for this post!

Once my epidural wore off and I was able to use the restroom by myself, they moved us to a post-partum room.  I really did not have much pain or soreness.  I just felt heavy and was uncomfortable sitting for various reasons that all pregnant mommies have experienced I'm sure. If you have not, count your blessings.

Continued on next post...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The One Where I Am Catching Up

Sorry that I have been on hiatus blog readers!  It has been over 3 weeks since I last posted.  I have been working long days, going to class at night, volunteering, and moving!  When I get home, I want to spend time with Jonathan and relax.  Therefore, this blog was put on the back burner.  However, as a good mom-to-be, I have kept a list of things that I want to discuss.

The last time I was here, I was a little under 9 weeks until Lorelei's due date.  I am now 34 weeks and 6 days.  5 weeks or so until her due date!! Yay! We are so excited.  Lorelei had a check-up yesterday--as did I.  Her heartrate was 160 bpm and she was measuring a week ahead at 36 weeks.  My blood pressure was nice and low and there was no sugar in my urine as at my previous appointment.  Praise the Lord for taking care of me, Lorelei, and Jonathan.

This is going to be a bullet point list to get everything over the past month in here.

* I have not taken my medicine for almost 4 weeks.  This is a miracle in and of itself.  Therefore, my morning sickness lasted until around 31 weeks.  I have had days where I had issues with boughts of nausea but overall, I was able to make it through it without medicine!  I am so thankful for the morning sickness to pass even if it took 7 months!  Lorelei is worth it!

*Since I last posted, we have taken a newborn care class, prepared child birth class, and maternity unit tour.
All of these classes were very educational.  The newborn care class taught us how to swaddle, bathe, change diapers, etc.

Jonathan with his successfully swaddled baby!
*We are delivering Lorelei at North FL Regional Medical Center in Gainesville, FL.  The rooms are huge and nice!  However, apparently I had some look on my face to make the tour nurse think I was in labor... :-/  I was just a little overwhelmed with thinking I would be there soon.  Jonathan said I was a deer in headlights...

*We are still in the 5 week series of prepared childbirth class.  We have started practicing breathing and watched a birth.  To mine and Jonathan's surprise, it was not as bad as we thought it would be.  Jonathan is going to be a great support when I am actually in labor.

*My hands and feet have finally started to swell some at the end of the day.  It goes away after I elevate my feet.  I also keep my feet slightly elevated at work.  Sad news--this last week I had a day where I couldn't wear my wedding rings.  It made me sad and probably look a little like a teenage mother.  I already get these stares that I am too young to have a child.  Let me just say that I am 26 years old and an attorney.  I am definately old enough to have a child.  Despite the fact that I have been marreid for 4 1/2 years.  Vent over.

*As of September 29, 2011, Jonathan and I had been licensed, sworn-in Florida attorneys.  Wow how time flies!  Check out the picture below of us from over a year ago.  We would have never believed that we would be where we are now!  God is awesome!

Jonathan and I with my parents (Mimi and Granpaw)

Judge Roundtree was kind enough to swear us in!

So blessed to experience this together!
* We also took an infant CPR class.  Let me just say that it is hard work to revive an infant!  You have to press down really hard!  Therefore, please see the tutorial below for your own learning experience!

Let me introduce you to Mini Baby!

Use two fingers right above the xyphoid process.  Press until you hear a click (well on mini baby) 30 times!  This is actually a lot harder than it looks!  Hence, Jonathan is demonstrating.

Then, give mini baby two breaths with your mouth covering her nose and mouth.  Repeat 5 times.  Call 911.  Ask partner to start their steps!

Tap bottom of foot while yelling their name for a response.  This is really the first step if you find mini baby unconscious!
*Finally, I am 34 weeks and 6 days and Lorelei is around 5 pounds and 19 inches!  The size of a cantaloupe!

This picture is proof of why I haven't written in a while.  I am tired haha!
*Lorelei has been adding about 1/2 pound of weight a week and plumping up.  Her lungs are almost fully developed and she can regulate her body temperature now!  Otherwise, she is just cooking in her crock-pot! OH!!! I ALMOST FORGOT! She has gotten so used to my right side and loves it that she has created a numb spot on the top of my stomach from the skin stretching so much! I do not have stretch marks, yet anyways!  I just thought I would share my weird experience from the past week!

Monday, September 5, 2011

The One With Less Than 9 Weeks Remaining

That's right!! I only have 8 weeks and 6 days until Lorelei's due date of November 6, 2011.  Or on a different note--62 days remaining! Whoa!

I have never been more excited to meet someone.  I guess that just means that I have never loved someone before I met them! Jonathan and I love Lorelei so much and cannot wait for her to get here!

Don't get me wrong--I CAN wait on the labor and delivery process but CANNOT wait to hold our baby girl!

I have not written in a while due to the fact that I work 8 hours a day.  By the time I get home from work, I eat, catch up with Jonathan, and sleep. I've been trying to exercise more but have failed because I am so tired.  I was fotunate not to have this fatigue in the first trimester, but it has hit me hard this last trimester.

Lorelei is beginning to swish and roll more than punch and jab! Sometimes, she just shakes my whole body.  This normally occurs around 4 a.m. 

I am in my 31st week. Lorelei's skin is becoming less red and more pink.  Her irises can dilate and respond to changes in light!  I really hope she has her daddy's eyes.  I do not want her to have to deal with glasses, contacts and eventually LASIK like her mommy did.

According to the books and questions from the nurse at my appointments, many women are starting to experience Braxton Hicks contractions.  I have not felt these or if I have, I am unaware that this is what is happening.  Lorelei is also on a more definitve sleeping and waking schedule.  I will ahve to agree that she moves more at certain times of the day and sleeps longer during others.  This longer sleeping scares me sometimes; thus, the nonstress test.

I called my doctor the other day to talk about decreased movement and more squirming rather than jabs and punches.  To my surprise, they made me come in within two hours for a nonstress test.  I have never had one of these and did not know what it was.  It made me nervous.  I had two monitor looking things strapped around my stomach.  I was to push this botton everytime I felt her move.  She was great and passed within the first five minutes with two good kicks.  The Dr. said it looked like she fell asleep after that haha!  However, the Dr. was happy that Lorelei made a liar out of me and reassured me to come in and have this nonstress test at anytime that her movement was not what I thought it should be.

Then, I went to the Dr. for my regular visit the friday following the nonstress test.  My fundal height was measuring 30 cm which was on track for the first time.  It has always measured ahead.  The Dr. thinks she had a growth spurt and then just leveled out or it was how she was lying in my stomach.  However, they will do an ultrasound next week if the measurement hasn't grown as much just to check on her.  I'm hoping I am growing a 6 lb. baby rather than a 9 lb. baby haha!

However, I was naturally worried as to why my uterus was only 1 cm in growth over three weeks instead of 2-3.  I had also not gained much weight and may have even lost some.  Therefore, I have been trying to eat some more so that she can grow with it!

We also start our prenatal prepared parenting class that last 5 weeks next week! I am excited to learn more about the birthing process so that I can relax more about it!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The One With the Breastfeeding Class Among Other Things

Jonathan and I have started taking prenatal classes.  After discussing with my doctor, she recommended that I take every class possible due to my lack of baby knowledge... :-/

The first class that we took was Breastfeeding.  It was very eye opening but we learned a lot at the same time.  Let me just say that I took lots of notes and Jonathan did well not to laugh.

Also, I have started to notice that I am getting bigger and catching up with girls that are further along than me.  People seemed shocked that I am not due in the next few weeks--uh try around 10 or so.  Also, no one seems to think that I will make it past late October. We'll see...

I am now 29 weeks along! Wow--so according to the doctor, Lorelei is measuring between 30 and 31 weeks!  She is starting to get stronger and heavier.  My upper back is feeling the pressure!  She can regulate some of her body temperature now and is practicing blinking.  She weighs a little more than 3 pounds and is between 15 and 17 inches long! The weight and size of a big butternut squash. Wow! She is 2/3 her final size.  She is still adding baby fat! Yay! Fat babies are too cute! :-)

This is the weight and size of our precious little Lorelei!  People in the grocery store were staring and laughing! Oh well!

Last night, I had my first calf cramp! I woke up screaming for Jonathan to please help me stretch it out because I couldn't grab my toes to stretch my calf myself! He was a champ! It is still sore! However, I am glad that Jonathan and I can laugh at every random, not-so-pleasant thing that Lorelei and pregnancy throws at us.  I know that it might seem like I complain sometimes (about still having morning sickness).  I do NOT want it to seem that way! I am so incredibly happy everyday that I realize God has blessed us with this miracle and could not be happier!  Just know that I realize how blessed I am and when I discuss my unpleasant symptoms it is more to document them for my future reference rather than to complain!

I have also just realized that I am going to be booked to the max of the next few months with prenatal classes, working, birthday parties, baby showers, and Junior League volunteering/meetings/parties.  I don't think I am really having a free weekend until October!  Hopefully this busy schedule will help this last semester fly by since my mom friends tend to think it drags along.

For example, this weekend started off with a historical tour of Gainesville for Junior League.  I was up at 5:30 with Lorelei kicking and then went to start the tour at 7:30 a.m.  It ended at 2.  Then, I came home, showered and changed and headed to Orlando to meet up with my best friend during law school, Ms. Ashley Buckman.  She was in Orlando for the Miss America Outstanding Teen Pageant.  She helps out the organization!  We chatted and it is always great to know that you pick up like you never left off with your best friends! Needless to say, after we saw her, Jonathan and I ate at downtown Disney and arrived home really late!

This is a little different than the last picture the three of us had together! :-)

I miss my pretty friend! Lorelei cannot wait to meet Aunt Ash!

Today, we went to church and then out to eat with the sunday school group! It was nice being able to socialize.  I alsways learn so much watching all the moms with their babies!

Jonathan spent the weekend cleaning the shower and the house.  He also mowed his parents lawn while they are out-of-town.  Tonight, we went and bought him some more work-out clothes so that he can throw away his old ones!  He was so excited and cute shopping for new work-out clothes.  You would think he had won the lottery.  He racked up with 4 shirts, three shorts, and some socks!

Finally, to sum up the last week, Jonathan and I had lunch one day with his boss' family! I finally got to meet his boss' wife and two girls! They are great and bought Lorelei some books and a cute little ring for her when she gets a little older! It was too precious! 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The One with the Third Trimester/Glucose Screening

I am officially in my third trimester! Lorelei will make her appearance in 3 months or less! We are getting so excited and maybe a little nervous at the same time.  Prenatal classes start this month along with my provisional Junior League year! Whew! These next three months are going to FLY BY!

Lorelei updates:

Lorelei now weighs around 2 1/2 pounds.  Well, she might weigh more.  She does feel hefty on my back.  I have been having some pretty painful back aches.  Don't worry not my lower back (preterm labor sign) but in the middle of my back due to posture.  My stomach is just making my pasture horrible.

She is around 15 1/2 inches long and putting on baby fat as we speak to make that wrinkly skin more plump! Yay!  She should be practicing breathing still which can cause hiccups.   I am not sure what these will feel like but I do not think I have felt them.  I have felt her kicking harder and more frequently this week.  Jonathan has felt her more over the past few days I think than he has the whole time.

I also saw her do a miniture roll across my stomach today! It was too cute! I laughed out loud--making my co-workers give me weird stares.  I'm sure they just chalked it up to the crazy pregnant lady.

As I'm sure you are all still wondering, yes, I am still sick without my medicine and a little nauseated at times with it.  However, her frequent movements make me feel better!  All you moms-to-be out there--word of adive:  there will come a day when your baby is not moving at all, it will scare you, it did me.  Lorelei didn't move all day long one day when we were on vacation last week.  It scared Jonathan and I--due to how you are supposed to be counting kicks at this point in the pregnancy (10 in two hours).  Then, God blessed me with such an active baby this week! Makes me smile!

Jonathan appeared on behalf of one of his clients this week on television! I was such a proud wife! He is so well spoken, smart,  and cute!

Here is a belly shot upon entering the third trimester:

Please excuse the not-so-cute look! I was extremely tired! You moms understand!

Enjoy! Also, I am aware I look more pregnant than 27 1/2 weeks here, but oh well! She is a big baby! :-)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The One With The Vacation

Jonathan and I took off for 6 days and went to Walker, MN to spend time with his family for a week! It was a much needed rest before Lorelei comes.  We had fun with his family that we rarely get to see because they live so far away.  We played on the lake, well Jonathan did.  I rode on the boat and just sort of sat around and relaxed.

Jonathan competed in triathalon the first Saturday that we were up there.  He came in 8th overall out of 400 people or so.  I was so proud.  Lorelei was proud as well.  She will cheer him on next year at all of his races!

Although we had tons of fun, we sure have enjoyed being home for the weekend and relaxing and getting back into the swing of things before work on Monday.  I have Labor Day off but after that, I will have no off days until she comes.  I plan on working until I go into labor.

I have so much to do over these next three months.  We still have to finalize and organize her room, take a ton of prenatal classes, and mentally prepare.  On top of that, out of town friends will be in Florida to visit with, babies are turning one with birthday parties to attend, and lake houses are being opened for parties. This is also the beginning of my provisional year for Junior League.  There is so much to do. I was looking at our schedule over the next three months and it seems to go nonstop so I'm guessing that these months will fly by!

Here are Jonathan and I in Bemidji, MN with Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox! I am 26 weeks pregnant here!

Jonathan about to go wakeboarding!  I am being a great boat rider!

This past week Lorelei learned how to cry, strengthened her grip, and is practicing breathing.  I am now supposed to be gaining 1/2 pound to a pound a week.  I am not even going to discuss this.  I am more expecially with vacation.  She is between two and three pounds.  She has bursts of hard kicks, some rolling around, and lenthy periods of sleeping as well.  She is about the length of a large cucumber.

I apologize for the lack of pictures! There were many more but not taken with my camera...

I will post some belly pictures tomorrow and discuss the third trimester! Whew! Yay!


Monday, July 25, 2011

The One Where Lorelei is Viable

Hold your horses! By NO MEANS do I want her to make her appearance any time soon; however, she has a great chance of surviving outside the womb with extensive medical help now that we are past 24 weeks gestation!  This blows my mind that a baby that is almost two pounds can make it now!  I much prefer the past 37 weeks baby! :-)

I am now 25 weeks and 1 day.  Time is flying by! I will be in my third trimester in less than 2 weeks! Whoa!! I still have morning sickness.. Although, she is WAY worth it, it is still not easy for nausea/vomitting to overcome my daily medicine.  However, I do have predominantly good days with the help of my medicine! Yay! Jonathan and I even went on a lunch date, ran errands, and just spent the day together this past weekend! It felt almost normal!
Lorelei wanted it hahaha!
Jonathan finished it off! He is trying to put on weight... Geez!

Chocolate milkshake! Yummo!

Cute daddy!

Also, my belly button is starting to poke out.  Probably from the chocolate milk that I love.

Lorelei growth updates:
She has days where just rolls around and other days where she kicks nonstop and hard all day long!  I love them both!  She is too cute! 

Jonathan put his ear to my stomach the other day to see if he could hear her heartbeat (something we read said he might be able to at this point--he didn't) and she kicked him in every different spot he put his ear! I could not stop laughing!

Her eyes are beginning to open and she might be able to react to a flashlight being shone on my stomach!

Lorelei's body parts are continuing tot become more proportional to each other.  Baby fat is also continuing to fill in her wrinkled skin for a smoother look and more hair is growing, developing texture and color.  She is close to 2 pounds and about 9.2 inches.  Roughly the size of an eggplant!

My uterus is roughly the size of a soccer ball and halfway between my sternum and bellybutton.

Here is my 25 week and 1 day shot.  I missed the 24th week... Whoopsie!

P.S.  These maternity, linen pants stretch out during the day.  Hence, the bigger looking booty... :-/

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The One with the Dresser

I've hijacked Lindsey's computer again to write another entry! (Yes, it's Jonathan. I think it's important for me to put my mark among these posts. I know you all love reading Lindsey's posts, so I'll try to match her with interesting facts and funny comments!)

So... After we got the bedding from the shower in Tuscaloosa last weekend, Friday came around and it was time to head to Home Depot (after eating dinner, of course) to buy paint for the dresser!

We had already decided the best plan was to paint the dresser rather than the book cases because the dresser was only one item and to replace it would be considerably more expensive than replacing the book cases--which only cost $13 at Walmart. Our plan was to find pink and green spray paint that matched the bedding.  The pink looked like a perfect match and the green was a slightly lighter shade but appeared to still go well.

We laid down the newspaper and cardboard in the garage when we got home and I began painting right away!

I'd never used spray paint before, but I found the best way to get good results was to spray facing down so the paint didn't create running droplets, and to begin moving your hand before pressing the button to shoot the spray (that way you don't make shaded polka-dots...).

Even with no lead in the paint, we were careful to keep the garage well ventilated and I let Lindsey wear the mask I used in undergrad to block the dust when cleaning at Caplewood ( if it was ever clean at The Party... haha! Speaking of Caplewood, the dresser was actually left there after a former resident--EE--moved out. And now it will be passed on to Lorelei!).
Once I was done painting, we left the box fan in the garage with the garage door cracked about a foot and the door leading from the garage into the back yard open for it to dry overnight.  Then after waking up in the morning and having a great brick workout (35 mile ride, 6 mile run--I've been trying to focus on putting in some longer distance/steady pace workouts to build my lactate threshold.  With my exercise-induced asthma being less of a factor in the longer distance races, the main factor becomes how fast I can push myself without reaching the point where I go anaerobic and start accumulating lactic acid in my bloodstream...), I brought all the pieces inside and put them back together!

I just spent several minutes looking for a cool quote about dressers or furniture but couldn't find one by anyone I recognized or one that really fit. I'd rather comment on how funny it would be if we got some more spray paint and drew a giant mouth using the bottom two drawer handles! Wouldn't that be great! I don't know if Lindsey is going to go for it though... It does look pretty good already... Besides, it'll be better when Lorelei discovers crayons and markers and goes on a canvas safari around the house.

FYI, I also put some $13 shelves together Saturday afternoon: