Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The One With the Breastfeeding Class Among Other Things

Jonathan and I have started taking prenatal classes.  After discussing with my doctor, she recommended that I take every class possible due to my lack of baby knowledge... :-/

The first class that we took was Breastfeeding.  It was very eye opening but we learned a lot at the same time.  Let me just say that I took lots of notes and Jonathan did well not to laugh.

Also, I have started to notice that I am getting bigger and catching up with girls that are further along than me.  People seemed shocked that I am not due in the next few weeks--uh try around 10 or so.  Also, no one seems to think that I will make it past late October. We'll see...

I am now 29 weeks along! Wow--so according to the doctor, Lorelei is measuring between 30 and 31 weeks!  She is starting to get stronger and heavier.  My upper back is feeling the pressure!  She can regulate some of her body temperature now and is practicing blinking.  She weighs a little more than 3 pounds and is between 15 and 17 inches long! The weight and size of a big butternut squash. Wow! She is 2/3 her final size.  She is still adding baby fat! Yay! Fat babies are too cute! :-)

This is the weight and size of our precious little Lorelei!  People in the grocery store were staring and laughing! Oh well!

Last night, I had my first calf cramp! I woke up screaming for Jonathan to please help me stretch it out because I couldn't grab my toes to stretch my calf myself! He was a champ! It is still sore! However, I am glad that Jonathan and I can laugh at every random, not-so-pleasant thing that Lorelei and pregnancy throws at us.  I know that it might seem like I complain sometimes (about still having morning sickness).  I do NOT want it to seem that way! I am so incredibly happy everyday that I realize God has blessed us with this miracle and could not be happier!  Just know that I realize how blessed I am and when I discuss my unpleasant symptoms it is more to document them for my future reference rather than to complain!

I have also just realized that I am going to be booked to the max of the next few months with prenatal classes, working, birthday parties, baby showers, and Junior League volunteering/meetings/parties.  I don't think I am really having a free weekend until October!  Hopefully this busy schedule will help this last semester fly by since my mom friends tend to think it drags along.

For example, this weekend started off with a historical tour of Gainesville for Junior League.  I was up at 5:30 with Lorelei kicking and then went to start the tour at 7:30 a.m.  It ended at 2.  Then, I came home, showered and changed and headed to Orlando to meet up with my best friend during law school, Ms. Ashley Buckman.  She was in Orlando for the Miss America Outstanding Teen Pageant.  She helps out the organization!  We chatted and it is always great to know that you pick up like you never left off with your best friends! Needless to say, after we saw her, Jonathan and I ate at downtown Disney and arrived home really late!

This is a little different than the last picture the three of us had together! :-)

I miss my pretty friend! Lorelei cannot wait to meet Aunt Ash!

Today, we went to church and then out to eat with the sunday school group! It was nice being able to socialize.  I alsways learn so much watching all the moms with their babies!

Jonathan spent the weekend cleaning the shower and the house.  He also mowed his parents lawn while they are out-of-town.  Tonight, we went and bought him some more work-out clothes so that he can throw away his old ones!  He was so excited and cute shopping for new work-out clothes.  You would think he had won the lottery.  He racked up with 4 shirts, three shorts, and some socks!

Finally, to sum up the last week, Jonathan and I had lunch one day with his boss' family! I finally got to meet his boss' wife and two girls! They are great and bought Lorelei some books and a cute little ring for her when she gets a little older! It was too precious! 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The One with the Third Trimester/Glucose Screening

I am officially in my third trimester! Lorelei will make her appearance in 3 months or less! We are getting so excited and maybe a little nervous at the same time.  Prenatal classes start this month along with my provisional Junior League year! Whew! These next three months are going to FLY BY!

Lorelei updates:

Lorelei now weighs around 2 1/2 pounds.  Well, she might weigh more.  She does feel hefty on my back.  I have been having some pretty painful back aches.  Don't worry not my lower back (preterm labor sign) but in the middle of my back due to posture.  My stomach is just making my pasture horrible.

She is around 15 1/2 inches long and putting on baby fat as we speak to make that wrinkly skin more plump! Yay!  She should be practicing breathing still which can cause hiccups.   I am not sure what these will feel like but I do not think I have felt them.  I have felt her kicking harder and more frequently this week.  Jonathan has felt her more over the past few days I think than he has the whole time.

I also saw her do a miniture roll across my stomach today! It was too cute! I laughed out loud--making my co-workers give me weird stares.  I'm sure they just chalked it up to the crazy pregnant lady.

As I'm sure you are all still wondering, yes, I am still sick without my medicine and a little nauseated at times with it.  However, her frequent movements make me feel better!  All you moms-to-be out there--word of adive:  there will come a day when your baby is not moving at all, it will scare you, it did me.  Lorelei didn't move all day long one day when we were on vacation last week.  It scared Jonathan and I--due to how you are supposed to be counting kicks at this point in the pregnancy (10 in two hours).  Then, God blessed me with such an active baby this week! Makes me smile!

Jonathan appeared on behalf of one of his clients this week on television! I was such a proud wife! He is so well spoken, smart,  and cute!

Here is a belly shot upon entering the third trimester:

Please excuse the not-so-cute look! I was extremely tired! You moms understand!

Enjoy! Also, I am aware I look more pregnant than 27 1/2 weeks here, but oh well! She is a big baby! :-)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The One With The Vacation

Jonathan and I took off for 6 days and went to Walker, MN to spend time with his family for a week! It was a much needed rest before Lorelei comes.  We had fun with his family that we rarely get to see because they live so far away.  We played on the lake, well Jonathan did.  I rode on the boat and just sort of sat around and relaxed.

Jonathan competed in triathalon the first Saturday that we were up there.  He came in 8th overall out of 400 people or so.  I was so proud.  Lorelei was proud as well.  She will cheer him on next year at all of his races!

Although we had tons of fun, we sure have enjoyed being home for the weekend and relaxing and getting back into the swing of things before work on Monday.  I have Labor Day off but after that, I will have no off days until she comes.  I plan on working until I go into labor.

I have so much to do over these next three months.  We still have to finalize and organize her room, take a ton of prenatal classes, and mentally prepare.  On top of that, out of town friends will be in Florida to visit with, babies are turning one with birthday parties to attend, and lake houses are being opened for parties. This is also the beginning of my provisional year for Junior League.  There is so much to do. I was looking at our schedule over the next three months and it seems to go nonstop so I'm guessing that these months will fly by!

Here are Jonathan and I in Bemidji, MN with Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox! I am 26 weeks pregnant here!

Jonathan about to go wakeboarding!  I am being a great boat rider!

This past week Lorelei learned how to cry, strengthened her grip, and is practicing breathing.  I am now supposed to be gaining 1/2 pound to a pound a week.  I am not even going to discuss this.  I am more expecially with vacation.  She is between two and three pounds.  She has bursts of hard kicks, some rolling around, and lenthy periods of sleeping as well.  She is about the length of a large cucumber.

I apologize for the lack of pictures! There were many more but not taken with my camera...

I will post some belly pictures tomorrow and discuss the third trimester! Whew! Yay!
