That's right!! I only have 8 weeks and 6 days until Lorelei's due date of November 6, 2011. Or on a different note--62 days remaining! Whoa!
I have never been more excited to meet someone. I guess that just means that I have never loved someone before I met them! Jonathan and I love Lorelei so much and cannot wait for her to get here!
Don't get me wrong--I CAN wait on the labor and delivery process but CANNOT wait to hold our baby girl!
I have not written in a while due to the fact that I work 8 hours a day. By the time I get home from work, I eat, catch up with Jonathan, and sleep. I've been trying to exercise more but have failed because I am so tired. I was fotunate not to have this fatigue in the first trimester, but it has hit me hard this last trimester.
Lorelei is beginning to swish and roll more than punch and jab! Sometimes, she just shakes my whole body. This normally occurs around 4 a.m.
I am in my 31st week. Lorelei's skin is becoming less red and more pink. Her irises can dilate and respond to changes in light! I really hope she has her daddy's eyes. I do not want her to have to deal with glasses, contacts and eventually LASIK like her mommy did.
According to the books and questions from the nurse at my appointments, many women are starting to experience Braxton Hicks contractions. I have not felt these or if I have, I am unaware that this is what is happening. Lorelei is also on a more definitve sleeping and waking schedule. I will ahve to agree that she moves more at certain times of the day and sleeps longer during others. This longer sleeping scares me sometimes; thus, the nonstress test.
I called my doctor the other day to talk about decreased movement and more squirming rather than jabs and punches. To my surprise, they made me come in within two hours for a nonstress test. I have never had one of these and did not know what it was. It made me nervous. I had two monitor looking things strapped around my stomach. I was to push this botton everytime I felt her move. She was great and passed within the first five minutes with two good kicks. The Dr. said it looked like she fell asleep after that haha! However, the Dr. was happy that Lorelei made a liar out of me and reassured me to come in and have this nonstress test at anytime that her movement was not what I thought it should be.
Then, I went to the Dr. for my regular visit the friday following the nonstress test. My fundal height was measuring 30 cm which was on track for the first time. It has always measured ahead. The Dr. thinks she had a growth spurt and then just leveled out or it was how she was lying in my stomach. However, they will do an ultrasound next week if the measurement hasn't grown as much just to check on her. I'm hoping I am growing a 6 lb. baby rather than a 9 lb. baby haha!
However, I was naturally worried as to why my uterus was only 1 cm in growth over three weeks instead of 2-3. I had also not gained much weight and may have even lost some. Therefore, I have been trying to eat some more so that she can grow with it!
We also start our prenatal prepared parenting class that last 5 weeks next week! I am excited to learn more about the birthing process so that I can relax more about it!